
尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏!

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公司地址:吉林省通化市二道江区尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏路999号


2023/12/29 8:25:06


All my dear comrades:

白日去如箭,达者惜分阴。沉甸甸的2023带着温暖而又令人思念的欢笑而去,这一年里,我们有过泪水,有过欢笑,有过曲折,有过幸福。这一年,我们承受住了疫情后时代的冲击,紧随了经济复苏元年的步伐。集团各个板块步入了新时代、新周期、新里程,总营收取得了前所未有的新成绩。中元医药鸡西新综合门诊楼投入运营,十大分院得以确立,建设龙江东部市场化医疗中心的步伐进一步加快。尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏药业二十大品种库提上日程,新药吖啶片揭盲成功,并进入到注册阶段。资产管理板块历史遗留问题解决得到突破性进展。

As sunlight dashes away like an arrow, sages treasure every fleeting moment. Laden with the warm and nostalgic smiles, the year of 2023 bids its adieu. Over the past year, tears mingled with laughter, winding roads led to happiness, and we have withstood the impacts from post-pandemic era while keeping pace with economic revival. Each facet of our group progressed into a new era, a new cycle, and a new journey, achieving unprecedented feats in total revenue. In the past year, Zhongyuan Healthcare Group put the new comprehensive outpatient building of Zhongyuan Medical-Jixi Hospital into operation, establishing ten pivotal branch hospitals, and made remarkable progress in founding up Eastern-Heilongjiang Medical Center. Moreover, Tonghua Golden-Horse Pharmaceutical Group has launched the target of its twenty crucial products, and stepped into registration phase after successfully unblinding of the new drug. The asset management division in Liaoning has also made historical breakthroughs in resolving long-standing challenges.


As the curtain rises in 2024, it heralds a new start, which symbolizes that people grow as the years unfold. The Jade Rabbit graces the celestial palace, while the Golden Dragon bestows its blessings. 2024 is coming with all best wishes toward a new era and propelling us forward with hope toward a brighter future. Meanwhile, this year marks the formation of a transformative framework across our three major divisions. Innovation remains our essences, while sustainability remains steadfast at our core. Most importantly, let us firmly memorize that life thrives through endeavor, achievements blossom from diligence, and adaptability shapes our destiny. Under the charted strategic path and the ever clear direction, the paramount we need now is severe execution. Principles alone cannot forge pathways, and virtues will never survive in mere rhetoric manner. Any triumph necessitates unwavering effort, just like any powerful lever always need a fulcrum. Moving forward steadily and leaving an indelible trail with every stride, we are determined to arrive the shores of success.


Happy New Year!



                          通化尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏药业集团

                           Tonghua Golden-Horse Group



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版权所有:通化尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏药业集团股份有限公司   互联网药品信息服务资格证书编号:(吉)-非经营性-2014-0022   吉ICP备14004324号-1 吉公网安备 22050302000105号

公司地址:吉林省通化市二道江区尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏路999号 招商电话:0435-3910701  公司网址:www.qiqiii.com  

